Apartment for sale
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Living room
Dining room
Flex area
Laundry room
Parking for 2 cars
Energy-saving light bulbs
Low-consumption toilets
Single-lever bathroom faucets and showers
Water heater
Bathroom furniture
Smart device (home automation)
Porcelain floors
Ecological bathroom furniture
Mini Split outlets for living room and bedrooms
Plastic plaster walls and ceiling with vinyl paint
General characteristics
Apartment surface: 92m2
Terrace surface: private roof garden
Type of land: Regular land
Current state of the property
Unoccupied property
New property
Payment method:
cash, Infonavit credit, Cofinavit, bank credit
Note regarding the price: It may vary without prior notice, check availability and Location.
Legal documentation:
Free of liens
For public deed
Water, electricity, drainage.
Controlled access
Park and green areas, grills, clubhouse, sports court, circuit and heated pool
Solar panels in recreational areas
Visitor parking
Public transportation
Supermarkets, plazas, restaurants, work centers, health and schools
Strategic location
The residential is located less than 10 minutes from one of the main roads in Tijuana: Av. Vía Rápida Pte.
Intermediation Adhesion Contract for the purchase and sale of real estate.
Registered with the Federal Consumer Protection Agency
Number 4904-2023, dated May 16, 2023.